Friday, June 20, 2008

Work related post.... from israel

What a week. While I know more blogs about israel will come, I just want to capture a few more thoughts before I leave. First , the hospitality of this country in phenomenal. I had the pleasure of building friendships not only with my official hosts - Gal and Shirly, but with other bright and talented individuals like Lior, Julia, Shlomi, Zahi. Each time we had a question, we had had ready answers, phone calls, followup, suggestions. Transportation, food, history, phones - each of these we had such marvelous support. I also had some very flexible travel companions from the US that let me tag along for the ride - Leland and Dave.
It's very good that we had the support - the FTF was pretty demanding. Lots of days of building common ground, sorting through as is, to be, what can be done on new technology, old technology, priorities, philosophy - all in a large pile of knowledge to be sorted through. For 3 days, it was touch and go as to whether or not we would accomplish developing a single, comprehensive strategy or not. Fortunately, by the end of Day 4, we came to a place of common ground. While we didnt get to the final end state, we have gotten to a place where it was safe to break. It is time to take what we learned and go home. And I will be very happy to go home.

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